Monthly Archives: May 2016

Resilience – just sharing

Received this in my inbox this morning and given that last night, I was challenged by something in my life and decided not to respond in my ‘story’, I think it worth sharing.

If we could all learn resilience, life might be a little less stressful

How to increase your resilience

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf


Grief is a Journey

Sometimes people get lost in grief.  Some of the emotions that you could get stuck on might include; guilt, shame, loss, sadness and obsession.  In the normal process these will pass in time.  Seeking help to guide you through the maze of emotions and help you understand can ease the journey.

Start with a book like Grief is a Journey

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf


Not all Mothers are worth celebrating

Happy Mothers Day to the women in the world that love their children unconditionally xx

Please spare a moment for the children who grew up without a mother who loved them unconditionally.

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf

In one sentence, tell me why you smoke?

In one sentence, tell me why you smoke?

There is too much information on the best way to stop smoking.  It can be a problem in itself, just finding something that really works.  No one really understands the issues surrounding smoking (although everyone has an opinion).

I have done lots of work with clients who smoke, and who used to smoke and I have found this book to be extremely successful for those interested in  stopping smoking.

The easy way to stop smoking If you can’t attend a session, just read the book of the same name.

My research has shown that the most difficult thing about smoking, is changing the ‘habit’…. Not the addiction to nicotine.  It is a social/emotional/psychological habit, and understanding that is the first step in changing the smoking habit.

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf



Relationship reminder


Remember when you first met?

Remember when you liked each other?

Remember when you laughed and touched, and talked until the early hours of the morning?

Remember when you wanted to spend as much time together as possible?

Remember when you both did ‘little things’ to show your appreciation of the other?

Remember how his/her face would light up with a brilliant smile when he/she saw you?

AND REMEMBER how easy and great the sex was then?

What is missing in your life now?

Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, if you forget to water your own grass……..

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf


Story Glasses

~ Here is a little audio I call ‘Story Glasses’.  It might help explain, how we sometimes misunderstand people and cause ourselves anxiety and pain, as a result of our interpretation. If we can learn to look at our interactions with others differently, we may be able to reduce the unnecessary pain in our lives. This audio is also available on my  Audio page.  If you can not access the link, please email me so I can forward the link directly to you.

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf

What is manifestation?

Can anyone tell me why we can’t manifest perfect health?

Please note these are my ramblings and questions…. They are no reflection on those who believe in manifestation…. But why not ask the questions? If my ex boyfriend wishes bad things to happen to me, does this explain why I have a bad day? Now stick with me here – In simplistic terms, manifestation is about visualising, intending and hoping for a particular outcome. Right? Well, what stops others from manifesting bad things into our lives? For me that concept is incomprehensible, but in theory that should be how it works! Here is another question? If you believe in manifestation …. And nothing that you focus on becomes reality, how does that make you feel? Do you feel that you mustn’t be doing it right, or that you don’t have enough ‘faith’ or that there is something wrong with you? That upsetsme! Anything that deprives us of belief in our own power has that effect on me. If you can’t manifest it does not mean
that you are not good enough or not doing it right, it simply means the theory of manifestation has holes in it! You are actually perfect just the way you are! Don’t let anything diminish your sense of self!