Monthly Archives: October 2016

New Online Course – Wellness in Body, Mind & Spirit

Wellness in Body, Mind & Spirit is an Online course, adapted from my recent weekend Retreat.

The course gives guidance to encourage and support you to develop a complete system to care for your own wellbeing.

It provides the tools for you to awaken your own inner wisdom and strength to make changes to your life and enhance your every day experience.

Please leave a reply here to start the enrolment process.

Peace and harmony to all

Lunar Wolf



Name change……

I didn’t think I would give in to mass ‘fear’, but sadly, the time has come to make a little name change.

Unforunately, I have received negative feedback and thought it best to make a little change.  I will now be known as Lunar Wolf Harmony.  Please be patient as I make the change across my social media.

Farewell Lone Wolf Harmony

A big hello to Lunar Wolf Harmony.

Peace and harmony to all

Lunar Wolf

Count down to my Retreat

There are still some spots available.  Email me at to secure your place.

I have called this Retreat “Where psychology and spirituality walk hand in hand” because my personal experience has been, that psychology (understanding the behaviour of ourselves and those around us) can be the KEY to unlock our spirituality…. AND indeed the other way round. Spirituality can be the KEY to unlock and understand ourselves and those around us (psychology).

By spirituality, I don’t mean religion…. Spirituality is our own personal journey, “with” and “to” OURSELVES.

Click here for more details on my Retreat.

If you can’t make it to Kings Creek Retreat, Krambach this weekend to join us, I will be adapting the weekend for an online course.  This will be available early November.  Keep an eye out or drop me a line if you are interested.

Peace and Harmony to all
