Monthly Archives: February 2017

Online Course …. ready next week.

For those of you who missed my Retreat in October, you will now be able to experience something similar with my new online Course.  I have adapted the Retreat to suit an online format and details will be up within the next 7 days…. stay tuned.

Peace and harmony to all


… my lesson in trusting myself

Do you think that trust is one of the most important things in any relationship?

I have been beginning to think that ‘trusting YOURSELF’ every single time, is the most important thing… nothing else really matters.

A recent experience demonstrated that to me….

Those who follow my blog noticed that about four months ago I changed my name from ‘LoneWolf Harmony’ to ‘Lunar Wolf Harmony’.

You might also have noticed that my posts dramatically reduced at this time.

I pondered the name change long and hard, for years actually, before making the change, and I was finally swayed, by the opinion of a wonderful, caring soul.  A person who I have a great deal of time for and respect of, as well as a heathy dose of admiration.

However, with the name change, came a loss of interest in being ‘LunarWolf’ or ‘LoneWolf’

Then just the other day, I was chatting with a close friend and we were talking about the importance of teaching our young adults to TRUST themselves FIRST.

As the conversation continued, she asked me, why I wasn’t putting much on my blog lately… I explained the ‘whole name change thing’ and she looked at me and said… ‘you didn’t trust yourself first did you?’.

So as confusing as it may be for my followers, I will be re claiming my name ‘LoneWolf Harmony’

Thank you my friend, I will TRUST myself FIRST and you can expect more posts and other exciting things on my blog now.

Peace, harmony and love to all
