Category Archives: Opinion

Not all Mothers are worth celebrating

Happy Mothers Day to the women in the world that love their children unconditionally xx

Please spare a moment for the children who grew up without a mother who loved them unconditionally.

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf

In one sentence, tell me why you smoke?

In one sentence, tell me why you smoke?

There is too much information on the best way to stop smoking.  It can be a problem in itself, just finding something that really works.  No one really understands the issues surrounding smoking (although everyone has an opinion).

I have done lots of work with clients who smoke, and who used to smoke and I have found this book to be extremely successful for those interested in  stopping smoking.

The easy way to stop smoking If you can’t attend a session, just read the book of the same name.

My research has shown that the most difficult thing about smoking, is changing the ‘habit’…. Not the addiction to nicotine.  It is a social/emotional/psychological habit, and understanding that is the first step in changing the smoking habit.

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf



Relationship reminder


Remember when you first met?

Remember when you liked each other?

Remember when you laughed and touched, and talked until the early hours of the morning?

Remember when you wanted to spend as much time together as possible?

Remember when you both did ‘little things’ to show your appreciation of the other?

Remember how his/her face would light up with a brilliant smile when he/she saw you?

AND REMEMBER how easy and great the sex was then?

What is missing in your life now?

Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, if you forget to water your own grass……..

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf


Story Glasses

~ Here is a little audio I call ‘Story Glasses’.  It might help explain, how we sometimes misunderstand people and cause ourselves anxiety and pain, as a result of our interpretation. If we can learn to look at our interactions with others differently, we may be able to reduce the unnecessary pain in our lives. This audio is also available on my  Audio page.  If you can not access the link, please email me so I can forward the link directly to you.

Peace and harmony to all

Lone Wolf

What is manifestation?

Can anyone tell me why we can’t manifest perfect health?

Please note these are my ramblings and questions…. They are no reflection on those who believe in manifestation…. But why not ask the questions? If my ex boyfriend wishes bad things to happen to me, does this explain why I have a bad day? Now stick with me here – In simplistic terms, manifestation is about visualising, intending and hoping for a particular outcome. Right? Well, what stops others from manifesting bad things into our lives? For me that concept is incomprehensible, but in theory that should be how it works! Here is another question? If you believe in manifestation …. And nothing that you focus on becomes reality, how does that make you feel? Do you feel that you mustn’t be doing it right, or that you don’t have enough ‘faith’ or that there is something wrong with you? That upsetsme! Anything that deprives us of belief in our own power has that effect on me. If you can’t manifest it does not mean
that you are not good enough or not doing it right, it simply means the theory of manifestation has holes in it! You are actually perfect just the way you are! Don’t let anything diminish your sense of self!

Name 5 people who have impacted your life…..

I witnessed a profound personal interaction the other day, and I would like to share it with you now. (Names and minor details have been changed to protect those involved)

I was sitting at a local Cafe in a small village, enjoying the wonderful aroma and taste of my morning coffee, when I overheard a conversation at the next table.

A beautiful young woman (Susie) had approached the middle aged couple who sat at the next table, and she was telling the gentleman who she was and how she knew him.

It became apparent as the conversation unfolded, that the gentleman had been the tennis partner in a local competition over 10 years ago, of Susie’s younger sister (Jenny).  At that time Jenny was approximately 16 years old.  This was a small community and the tennis competition was a gathering place for young and old.

The middle aged gentlemen said that he remembered Jenny as they had played Doubles together for a few seasons.  Susie was sharing, how well Jenny was now doing with her life, and how the gentleman was instrumental in that success.  Apparently Jenny was troubled at 16, to such a degree that she had started acts of ‘self harm’ by cutting herself.  But the gentle acceptance, patience and inclusion demonstrated by her tennis partner had led Jenny to accept, be patient and inclusive of herself.

The middle aged gentleman had no idea how troubled Jenny had been, nor how he impacted her life.  Susie thanked him and walked away, as tears filled the gentlemans eyes.

This encounter reminded me of a great book – The Five_People_You_Meet_in_Heaven, by Mitch Albom.

It is a great read, that starts you thinking who has impacted your life.

AND, that you never know who may be affected by your attitude and behaviour….nor how profound that affect may be.

Peace and harmony to all


Sydney rock fishing - getting ready

Sydney rock fishing – getting ready

So true – very insightful

Sometimes you are unsatisfied with your life, while people in this world are dreaming of living your life…

A child on a farm sees a plane fly overhead & dreams of flying.  But, a pilot on the plane sees the farmhouse & dreams of returning home.

That’s life! Enjoy yours …. if wealth is the secret to happiness, then the rich should be dancing on the streets.  But only poor kids do that.

If power ensures security, then officials should walk unguarded.  But those who live simply, sleep soundly.

If beauty & fame bring ideal relationships, then celebrities should have the best marriages.

Live simply, walk humbly & love genuinely… All good will come back to you…

Author unknown

Mother in laws


But seriously…. There is a battle ground that exists around mother in laws.

There are many reason why this might be the case, but trying to find plausible reasons, excuses and explanations doesnt really help.

I have had a number of clients lately who have verbalised a troublesome situation with mother in laws.

So how do we help them? Both the mother in laws and the people affected by them?

A support forum, would be a good place to start.

Most young brides for example believe they are the only ones with this issue.  I believe we need to share our stories and advice, with love, peace and harmony in our heart, so that these young people can find a win-win resolution to their issues …. And failing that, at least a way to cope with something that they can’t change.  Ultimately though, they will know that they are not alone.

Please share your stories here, anonymously if desired, to lend a helping hand to struggling young brides and grooms.

P.S BTW, I am a mother in law ????

Peace and harmony to all



Weight loss, without dieting

So many people are confused by the many many different suggestions to lose weight.

But has anyone suggested that your body will naturally know what food it needs and when it needs it? Your body will also tell you when it is full.

Why not learn to listen to your body and learn to understand the difference between emotional hunger and physical hunger?

Geneen Roth wrote a book many years ago, which explained that concept to me very well. I try to live that way and when I am successful, my weight stabilises and I am comfortable in my skin.  When I am not so successful, I begin to feel bloated and uncomfortable…. All new skills take a bit of learning, so I don’t beat myself up, if I get it wrong every now and then.

Here is a link to a short audio, which outlines the concept in a matter of minutes. If this link does not work for you, please email me at and I will email you the link.

Here is an outline of Geneen’s book.  Feel free to check it out, both here and other online places.  She has lots of interesting interviews online and other resources.


Peace and harmony to all
