Category Archives: Uncategorized

Let LOVE shine… lets help each other

Here at Lonewolf harmony, we are all about love, light and peace.  Unfortunately at the moment, the world seems very dark and heavy.

I am hopeful that if you need a place to ‘download’, you feel comfortable to do it here, in comments and/or feedback.  Your privacy will be respected.

This website is not monitored constantly, but someone will get back to you, as soon as we can.

I am interested in pulling together a group that has the capacity to offer their time to talk to people online… to try to lighten the burden for those that are struggling.

Being a peaceful, loving organisation, we WILL NOT tolerate ‘hate speech’ or discrimination of any kind.

Reach out if you need, or if you can help.

Peace and love to all

Lone Wolf Harmony



COVID 19 Mental Health Support

Wow! What a time this is!

Everyone is impacted, even in what may appear to be insignificant ways.

Lonewolfharmony has decided to be a place of support for mental health and communication at this time. Just add a comment, ask for assistance (we will do our best to point you in the right direction) or just to have someone to talk to.

Please remember this is not for medical, or statistical purposes. This is purely an offer of support to fellow travellers on this journey that need to reach out.

Online Wellness Course

Try our online course, or our mentoring program.

New online course available – “Introduction to Wellness in Mind, Body and

Spirit”. (Adapted from my weekend Retreats)

Cost $95.00 AUD

Email for payment details and Course


Study at your leisure.

Lots of fun and creative exercises to help you get started on your journey to personal wellness.

If you feel lost and you don’t know where to look to get help… try looking within – there you may find the answers.

This course is the first step on that journey.

Peace and harmony to all


Living in the now

Everywhere I look, they say ‘live in the now’

but nowhere does it explain exactly ‘HOW’

There are simple questions to ask yourself that can help train you, to ‘live in the now’

Throughout the day try to remember this little exercise and try it as often as you remember.  In time, it will become a natural, habitual way of thinking.

* Stop and observe your thoughts…..

* Ask yourself  “Is this thought about something that happened in the past?”  Be it a minute ago, or a year ago.

* Ask yourself “Is this thought about something in the future?”  Be is about tomorrow or many years from now.

* If the answer to either of these questions is yes – then identify that it is not ‘in the now’ and practise letting those thoughts go.

Remember that you can’t change past and the future is yet to be discovered.

So take a look around you and using all of your physical senses – sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch, bring your attention back to this ‘moment’.

What can I see?

What can I hear?

What can I feel on my skin?

What can I taste?

What can I smell?

With practise you will get better at ‘living in the present moment’

Peace and harmony to all





It hurts

It is confusing

It is debilitating

But it isn’t how you have to live your life

With gentle support you can learn to

Push Through Stimulus Door


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

to a better life.

Peace and harmony to all