Labelling sticks


Please can we stop labelling ‘everybody’.

If we label a child naughty, the child will continue to behave in a naughty manner.

If we label an adolescent depressed, the adolescent will not learn to be resilient and that emotions both good and bad are part of life and will pass if left to flow naturally.

If we label a child as autistic, that child will live their life with a sigma.

Why can’t we just accept everyone, exactly how they are??

No one needs a label…

I am!

You are!

Peace and harmony to all



How is your relationship with your Mum?

What a huge bond to be broken! What a shock to realise that your mothers love was not unconditional?

Most our parents were a product of their own story and the majority of the time, the wounds that resulted from childhood were not intentional, however the damage is hard to spot, and non the less real.

Check out this article Unloved daughters and the dance of denial.

Peace and harmony to all
