- Try this Anxiety exercise. The more you use it, the easier it will become.
- Healing Love Meditation, Healing with Love meditation
- Sometimes all you need is a little help to work through something that is bothering you. Check out the free resources at Therapist Aid.
- Check out Allan Carr. He has a wealth of valuable resources. His most famous book is “Allan Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking”, but he also helps with weight issues, alcohol consumption and other relevant concerns.
- New online course available – “Introduction to Wellness in Mind, Body and Spirit”. Cost $95.00 AUD (adapted from my recent weekend Retreat). Email lonewolfharmony@gmail.com for payment details and Course material. Study at your leisure. Lots of fun and creative exercises to help you get started on your journey to personal wellness. If you feel lost and you don’t know where to look to get help… try looking within – there you may find the answers. This course is the first step on that journey.
- Online Course – Wellness in Body, Mind and Spirit. Adapted from my weekend Retreat.
- Count down to my Retreat – “Where Psychology and Spirituality walk hand in hand”. Weekend of 14th October 2016. Book soon to avoid disappointment. See link below.
- Come share with me at Retreat in October 2016. click here for details.
- Do your own research to find what helps you most to understand your PTSD – What doesn’t kill us by Professor Stephen Joesph is a good place to start
- I am sure you will find some valuable information at Psychology Today
- Look at alternative ways to beat cancer.
- The Godicle Theory is well worth checking out.
- I really love meditating with Michael Sealey. He offers many wonderful free audio tracks for meditation and hypnosis.
- Use this Loving kindness meditation every day and see how your world transforms.
- Check out these resources from healthjourneys.com. I haven’t looked at them all, but I am sure you will find something there, to suit your needs.
- Just a little video… With a new perspective. What is the difference between Intention and inspiration? (Mindvalley Academy Blog).
- Here is some information on one of the lesser know cancers, that affect women – Ovarian cancer.
- Watch Brene Brown talk on TED, about ‘The power of vulnerability’, here
- Check out moodjuice – I found the self help guide on Post Traumatic Stress, very useful.
- Louise Hay is well renowned for her insights and guidance. Check out her website
- Here is some material regarding Self Harm.
- Sometimes, something different will grab my attention. Please read and form your own opinion. I offer these resources for your personal research and understanding. Are you letting hidden fear control your life?
- The Resources are flooding in now. Check out this course. Power of Awareness …. And don’t forget to check out the other Resources listed below. You never know what might interest you.
- Eckhart Tolle
- Pathway to happiness
- ACT Mindfully
- Reiki Australia
- Geneen Roth
- Beyond Blue
Please be aware that I present these links to encourage you to explore ideas and options. I do not necessarily endorse the information. You are hopefully inspired to research and come to your own conclusions.
Let me know what you discovered. I value your feedback.
Peace and harmony to all.